Shop Eevee Heroes at PokeNE - The best source of English Pokemon Cards, Japanese Pokemon Cards, Korean Pokemon Cards, and the Japanese One Piece Card Game
Eevee Heroes, also known as Enhanced Expansion Pack: Eievui Heroes in Japanese, represents the sixth subset introduced during the Sword & Shield Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Serving as an extension of the sixth main expansion, Silver Lance and Jet-Black Spirit, it centers around the beloved Evolution Pokémon, Eevee, and its diverse evolutions.

Umbreon VMAX - $1,625.00

Glaceon VMAX - $500.00

Sylveon VMAX - $412.93

Leafeon VMAX - $237.49

Umbreon V - $131.48

Leafeon V - $87.50

Jolteon V - $79.99

Vaporeon V - $79.25

Flareon V - $77.52

Espeon V - $75.67
That's the Top 10 Best Cards from Eevee Heroes! Shop the Set and More at PokeNE - The best source of Japanese Pokemon Cards, Korean Pokemon Cards, and the Japanese One Piece Card Game