Pokemon Crimson Haze (Japanese: 強化拡張パック クリムゾンヘイズ Enhanced Expansion Pack is the fourth Japanese subset introduced in the Pokémon Trading Card Game's Scarlet & Violet Era. This subset predominantly features Pokémon and characters originating from the Kitakami region, with Bloodmoon Ursaluna at the featured Pokemon of the set.
Below is a list of The Top 10 Most Valuable Pokemon Cards in the Crimson Haze Set List. Please keep in mind value's of the cards can change over time. Prices below reflect the market on 03/24/2024

#1 Perin 092/066
Raw Value: $82.39

#2 Greninja ex 090/066
Raw Value: $68.95

#3 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 091/066
Raw Value: $29.18

#4 Perrin 087/066
Raw Value: $23.52

#5 Luminous Energy 096/066
Raw Value: $18.60

#6 Gold Bloodmoon Ursaluna EX 094/066
Raw Value: $16.63

#7 Sinistcha EX 089/066
Raw Value: $15.52

#8 Eevee 078/066
Raw Value: $13.84

#9 Geninja EX 083/066
Raw Value: $12.55

#10 Iron Thorns EX 081/066
Raw Value: $9.94
Shop PokeNE.com for The Best Deal on Crimson Haze and Tons of Other Modern Japanese Pokemon and One Piece Sets
Photos and Pricing - https://www.pokedata.io/set/Crimson+Haze
Information in Intro - https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Crimson_Haze_(TCG)